Everything to Know About Post-Production

BY ALYSSA MAIO | StudioBinder

This series covers the entire filmmaking process, from script to screen.

What is Post-Production?

Post-Production is the stage after production when the filming is wrapped and the editing of the visual and audio materials begins. Post-Production refers to all of the tasks associated with cutting raw footage, assembling that footage, adding music, dubbing, sound effects, just to name a few. The Post-Production process is highly collaborative, across a few months to even a year, depending on the size and need of the project.

In this new video, StudioBinder is covering the entire workflow of post-production, from the initial rough cut to the collaboration between sound, music, VFX and more. These are the final steps and they’re the glue that holds the movie together, literally. So, what is Post-Production, who’s involved, and what should you consider before it begins? Let’s take a look.

Watch: Post-Production Process Explained

Film Post-Production workflow:
  • Have reliable storage
  • Picture editing
  • Sound editing — ADR and Foley
  • Secure music
  • Sound mixing
  • Visual effects
  • Color correction 
  • Titles, credits, and graphics
  • Gather distribution materials
  • Make a trailer













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