What To Do When Your Mac Slows Down

by Larry Jordan Editing video is one of the hardest things you can do on any computer because it requires every piece of hardware and software to work at their best. If your system was working well, but is now slowing down, it’s time to figure out what’s changed. Are you seeing slow render times, choppy […]

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Complete Beginner’s Guide to Blender

BY PREMIUMBEAT New to Blender? Here’s what you need to know to get started using this powerful, free 3D creation suite. 3D modeling and computer graphics are skyrocketing in use. Content channels of all kinds are increasingly dependent on animation, visual effects, motion graphics, and VR. Game design, 3D printing, texturing, skinning, particle simulation, compositing—you name it. Content powers the […]

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Bridge the Gap Between Blender and After Effects With BlenderAE

By  Todd Blankenship | nofilmschool.com With this new affordable add-on, you can now connect Blender and After Effects. Long has been the frustration that Blender doesn’t have more After Effects tie-ins. After Effects has long had more Cinema 4D functionality, even including a lite version of Cinema 4D right there inside the software. Blender users, however, […]

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