DJI ban update: Current status and future implications for drone pilots

by Ishveena Singh | DroneDJ

H.R.6572 – Countering CCP Drones Act: This bill requires the inclusion of telecommunications and video surveillance equipment or services produced or provided by Shenzhen Da-Jiang Innovations Sciences and Technologies Company Limited (a Chinese drone maker commonly known as DJI Technologies) on a list of communications equipment or services determined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to pose an unacceptable risk to U.S. national security. Current law prohibits the use of federal funding available through specified FCC programs for purchasing or maintaining listed equipment or services.

The Countering CCP Drones Act aims to restrict the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from issuing new licenses to Chinese drone manufacturer DJI and its affiliates. It is part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) FY2025, a complex legislative package addressing various aspects of defense and security policy. 

Photo by Spencer Davis on

Attaching the Countering CCP Drones Act to the NDAA is kind of a back door for the bill to its path to becoming law because it has struggled to obtain support on its own.

The proponents of the Act argue that security concerns necessitate these measures. Critics question the urgency, noting that if security were a genuine immediate threat, more drastic actions would have been taken sooner. The delayed response undermines the narrative of an imminent security risk, suggesting political motivations may be at play. Read on.















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