Finally a Weather App for Photographers & Filmmakers

October 25, 2012


There are few things that cause more colon clenching anxiety than shooting on location in uncertain weather. When the iPhone was introduced, I thought for sure that my weather worry days were behind me. A weather app, accurate and simple, would be my crystal ball into the capricious nature of, well, nature. But it never came to pass.

Like a compulsive Goldilocks I tried a myriad of weather apps. Some were too feature fat, some were too feature thin. There were none that was just right. And all of them had a bizarre aversion to displaying the sunrise and sunset times on their primary screen.

Then along came an app called Check the Weather. It is fabulous. The key data, including sunrise and sunset times, are right up front. More details are just a left/right or up/down swipe away. It is simple to use, and beautiful to look at. It updates often and quickly, and above all it is accurate.

Check the weather also gives you minute by minute precipitation forecasts by integrating with Dark Sky, a super sexy precipitation app and service. I’ve been using Check the Weather for the past four days. On Monday night I saw the rain storm approaching the Giants game practically in real time. You will never want for another weather source once you buy this thing).

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